Have you got a new buddy and need a d-control collar for another dog? You can purchase the training collars d-control professional separately. You can also buy the transmitter for the training collars separately too.
The electronic dog training collar for another dog d-control professional is ideal for medium and large dog breeds and has features stimulation pulse, vibration, light and acoustic signal. The size of the plastic strap is 25 mm × 70 cm.
The d-control professional mini training collar with a strap size of 20 mm × 70 cm and the smallest receiver in our product range with rechargeable battery d-control professional ONE with a strap size of 15 mm × 70 cm. The collars are suitable in size especially for small and medium-sized dogs with the functions stimulation pulse, vibration, light, acoustic signal.
All collars are fully waterproof and compatible with the transmitters d-control professional 1000 and d-control professional 2000. The transmitters have a durable construction, are highly impact resistant and 100% waterproof. The backlit LCD display shows the amount of mode or function button level, transmission and battery level. Two receivers (collars) can be paired to one transmitter.