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What is pairing – programming of the transmitter and the receiver

What is pairing – programming of the transmitter and the receiver

Each transmitter has a unique operating code that makes it possible to pair - programme the transmitter (remote control) and the receiver (collar). The new Dogtrace d-control products are already programmed during production so that the transmitter communicates with the receiver properly the first time it is turned on. This operation allows you to pair the transmitter with a new receiver or vice versa (if you lose one or the other), or to re-programme your Dogtrace d-control if the pairing stops working for some reason. The receiver can be re-programmed indefinitely with the same or new transmitter.

How to pair - program the transmitter and the receiver:

Before you start programming (before using your new receiver, transmitter or when pairing was lost), make sure that no one else is using their d-control or other Dogtrace product near you - the receiver might accidentally receive code from some another transmitter. If this happens, program the receiver again to pair with the transmitter.

The receiver must be turned off at the beginning of this operation. Turn on the transmitter and press the dog select button 1 (A). Place the bottom of the transmitter to the target on receiver and hold in this position. The green LED lights up (the light must be continuous; if the diode flashes only, repeat the process from the beginning) and after about five seconds, the green and red LED will blink simultaneously 4x. Then press the audio signal button on the transmitter. This step will record the transmitter code into the memory of the receiver as confirmed by an audible signal. Press the dog select button 2 (B) and proceed in the same way (only if you want to use your d- control for another dog after buying another receiver, or if you have a two dog set).

 Purchase of collar for a d-control training collar set

In case you have an older d-control device and you need to get a collar for another dog or a spare collar to the set so that the new collar (receiver) communicates with the transmitter, you need to determine the age of your device software. The d-control collars are labelled with a numeric code located below the collar lid, and the same label is in the warranty card. Depending on the colour of the sticker, the age of the collar software used can be determined. The following colours are from the oldest software to the newest: white, red, red with black dot (transmitter code is always white - watch out for confusion). Since December 2009 we have been using the present coding, a red label with a dot, these collars should be everywhere in sale now. For some time there was a mix of products with older and newer coding in shops (i.e. red bar code and a red one with a black dot). Collars with white label are no longer in shops and neither should be collars with the red label. If you find that your label has a different colour than the latest one - red with a black dot - contact us and we will agree on a suitable solution. (It does not apply to batches with lighting, vibration or mini models, where you just buy the appropriate collar). Collar cannot be bought anymore for the transmitters d-control 250, 300, easy and d-control 1000 with yellow keyboard.

Purchase of transmitter for a d-control training collar set

(Does not apply to batches with lighting or vibration - they have the latest coding!) D-control transmitters can be purchased for sets made since December 2009 - a red label with a black dot. If you need to buy a transmitter for an older set, or if you are unsure about the age of the device, check the colour of the number code label below the collar lid or in the warranty card (the code must belong to the collar, while transmitters always have white codes). The colour of the code must be written in a note in the purchase order or dictated when ordering by phone. The latest software is coded as red with black dot and is in shops now.


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Randy Howard

12. 11. 2023 14:39

Pairing the transmitter and receiver in Dogtrace d-control products is crucial for seamless communication. To pair or reprogram, ensure no other nearby devices interfere. Follow specific steps: turning off the receiver, pressing buttons on the transmitter, and confirming code transfer by LED signals and audio cues <a href="">Dog Collar</a>.

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